Preparing For the Baby Announcement Picnic Basket
For Joie's one month baby annouc ement ham per, or widely known as Manyue/ Manye, w e wanted to give something special and useful for th...
Vintage Hankerchief Baby Announcement
Ordered vintage scalloped handkerchiefs from a Aliexpress seller and had them shipped from China in a big envelope. It said 100% cotton bu...
Rainbow Candy Theme Birthday
The birthday girl had change ofmind from Pirate Princess party to Rainbow theme. My sister was crazy enough to make those bright colorful ci...
Candy Cake
Sisters effort! My sis found a picture for this candy cake and we tried to make one for her daughter. I made the square base with the fool ...
Joie 100th Days! Best Yellow Cake + Hazelnut & Milo Frosting
Followed Yellow Lay er cake recipe from Smitten Kitchen and I have to say this is really really good! Yum yum... hazelnut spread ...
Chic, Elegant and Luxe Baby Annoucement
These ladies are the chic ladies behind the beautiful Brown Tree store and their baby announcements are WOW! Classy black and white box w...
Mysterious Detective Book Birthday Invitation
A mystery package arrived A magnifying glass to look for clues Sealed with a monogram wax seal Invitation details
My Other Cake Projects
Practice makes perfect. I wanted to improve my fondant decoration skills and I volunteered to make for cakes for friends and families. I...
My First Tiered Cake for Cally - 2010
I know this is backdated a bit. Found some pictures and thought if I don't document these, I won't remember them. Going through my...
Airplane Cake For W - 2011
My nephew, Walter, is the same age as my daughter, and I asked his mom if I could bake him a cake. She told me he was into airplane and I we...
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