Making these 35invitations were quite fun. It took me less than 1hr to finish things up - printing, cutting, and inserting to the fans.
Wedding in Seoul
Tea Ceremony event also known as "Paebek'. The bride and groom wore the hotel's formal traditional wedding wear. Behind the table of the table of traditional sweets and snacks, sat the parents of the groom, whom the groom and the bride bowed and offered wine to the parents. Both father and mother of the groom gave their blessings and they threw the dates onto the bride's sleeves, the number of the dates that she caught, symbolize the number of children she has to bear.
After the groom's parents turn was for the bride's parents turn to sit and gave their blessins. Then the third round was for the groom's aunts and uncles. Groom's siblings are queued in on the fourth turn.
Camera: Sony DSC H50
Back from Seoul
Its been quite awhile since I last posted. We were on holidays in Seoul and also to attend my brother-in-law's wedding.
To know more on our Seoul trip, read here.
How cute are the ballgown and the fancy boy's costume?